Louis Roth

Posted By on March 16, 2009


Mr. Louis Roth was the chief animal trainer at the Selig Zoo. The zoo opened in 1916. Mr. Roth also became famous for his motion picture work with many different wild animals.  Louis Goebel called him the world greatest wild animal trainer. He also trained at World Jungle Compound.  He was Mabel Stark’s first husband.


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2 Responses to “Louis Roth”

  1. Robert Peck says:

    Louis Roth was my grandfather by marriage. He married my grandmother Betty Kenyon.

  2. Roger Smith says:

    One correction: Louis Roth was Mabel Stark’s 3rd husband. She was first married to a man with your choice of surname spellings, but he was of Greek extraction, with a name like Anagostus, Agonisticus, or perchance Anastarkeus. She divorced him to marry what news coverage named only as “a rich Texan.’ Those early marriages gone, she married Roth on May 17, 1915, in Boise, Idaho. They divorced in Portland, in 1920. In an attempt to marry up, she wed Albert Ewing, the circus auditor, who was caught embezzling. Rid of him, she married Art Rooney, a Ringling menagerie man, when the boys still wintered in Bridgeport. Rooney died in 1927, and years later, she married for the last time–to Eddie Trees, another veteran animal man, who assisted her with her tigers until his death following intestinal surgery, in Japan, in 1954. Mabel lived as a widow until her death in April, 1968, at age 79.

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