Ivan and The Tangier Bros

Posted By on February 1, 2011

1963 and 1964 and a few weeks of 1965. I presented the Tangier Bros. and I was one of the bottom men in the act. Here is how it all started. While doing fairs with the chimp act I met a fellow by the name of Mouly Ahmed who was one of eight Moroccan tumblers called the “Son’s of Morocco.” We became friends and after a month or so he told me that their manager was going to send them back to Morocco. We had a meeting with all eight of the troupe and learned that in order to stay in this country they would need a valid contract from an American that would take the responsibility for work. My father said that work should be no problem  and Dad put the word out and within two weeks he had them booked for  more than a year. We called the troupe “The Tangier Bros”. After many months the guys got on their feet and paid my father back a money loan and then went on their own.  I heard later that some of them went back home to Morocco….. Thanks Darryl for your comment. 


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Ivan and The Tangier Bros”

  1. Darryl Ferges says:

    Great stuff Ivan. I loved the whole great presentation of this act. The side tumbling, the assembling of the pyramids. and the full-on sounds of the whole troupe made this act dazzling. This style of act made a great impression on all the acrobats in my troupe.

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