The Show Train

Posted By on April 23, 2009


The Siebrand show train was tried for awhile, but trucks were the answer because the Siebrands wanted to move faster and play at least one town a week . Sunday night tear down, move Monday and set up open on Tuesday by 6pm.  They kept this schedule for years on still spots.  This system helped lead them to financial success.


On The Cover of Billboard Magazine

Posted By on April 20, 2009


Clyde and Harriet Beatty made the cover of the “Billboard” magazine, May 1949.  This was shot in the backyard of his circus.


Clyde’s Pride

Posted By on April 20, 2009

Clyde and Cubs Large

Here Beatty is shown taking “pride” in his “pride” of tiger cubs. This photo was take in the  mid 1930’s.


Watering Beatty’s Tigers

Posted By on April 20, 2009

watering cubs

This was a young group of tigers that Clyde Beatty was raising for the act. He loved his big cats, whether they be lions and tigers.  He raised many on the show and at winter quarters.  If they weren’t in the act they were on exhibition. This is not Clyde Beatty in the photo but one of his workers.  Photo was taken in the 1930’s.


RePete on the Controls

Posted By on April 20, 2009


RePete at the controls of the Loop O Plane, This was one of many jobs that he did on his grandfather’s show. Often he would come over to the back yard and help me with the animals. He wanted to learn it all and he did……….we called him RePete in a loving way. He is the third Siebrand to be named Pete.  Photo was taken in the late 1950’s but it seems like it was just yesterday.


Peter Siebrand

Posted By on April 20, 2009


This photo taken in the late 1950’s of Peter Siebrand III.  He is the grandson of Pete Siebrand. We called him RePete as his father’s name was Pete too. In this photo RePete is operating the Loop O Plane. This was his summer job and earned money for his school needs. Peter has his own family now and lives in southern California.  David Horner supplied the photo……… Thanks David.


Billy Siebrand

Posted By on April 20, 2009


Billy Siebrand traveled on the show with his parents during summer vacations. He would work in the sweet shop or wherever a little extra help was needed. Most show kids are not lazy, whether they are in show business or in other work, they are all  professional in what they do.


Debbie Carter

Posted By on April 20, 2009


 There were many families on the Siebrand show. The Carters had game concessions. In this photo Debbie is working a color pan game where you roll a ball into a certain color and it wins a Teddy Bear.  I guess she got tired of this so she built her own carnival with the help of her mother and father, as did her sister Denice and her brother Jeff Carter.  Parents Arlene and  Jimmy Carter were fine teachers. Thanks to David Horner for the photos. Picture  taken in mid season 1967.


Jeff Carter

Posted By on April 20, 2009


Jeff Carter was also raised on the  Siebrand Show.  Now he owns his own carnival and is on the road throughout Arizona.  Photo taken in the late 1967. I have personally booked Jeff’s carnival several times in Arizona.


Friends And Family

Posted By on April 20, 2009


Top left Margaret Siebrand Hanna, by her arm Don Hanna husband.  Top right is Red Horner and his wife Skeets.  Bottom is Pete Siebrand and his wife Janelle.  Photo taken in the early 1957.
