Posted By on April 30, 2009


In 1941 ToTo was brought from Mexico to the Ringling Circus. Both ToTo and Gargantua were exibited in the menagerie hopefully to become acquainted with each other. This is the photo of the cover of a six page booklet that was sold in the menagerie by   Jose Tomas, who also took care of ToTo. 


The Ringling Bros. Attractions

Posted By on April 30, 2009

Ringling Ubangi's

In 1930 a group of  Ubangi’s tribsmen joined the Ringling circus. I understand that were the hit of the show. The Ubangi people  still exist and  flourish quite well today in their part of Africa.


Clyde Beatty in Los Angeles

Posted By on April 30, 2009

Beatty in person

 Can you imagine playing 18 days in downtown Los Angeles for this length of time at this day and age with a tent show!


Ringling Bros Ad 1955

Posted By on April 30, 2009

Ringling 1955poster

The newspaper ad tells the whole story.


TV Star with Clyde Beatty

Posted By on April 30, 2009

Beatty and Cisco

Duncan Renaldo “The Cisco Kid” played was with Beatty a few more spots after this show in Tuscon. He was a favorite with the kids especially in the Southwest. After he appeared in Los Angles he left the show. In April 1956………….Read this add… In small letters it says Railroad circus. The Cisco Kid did  a few more television shows prior to his retirement.


Circus Stars Forever

Posted By on April 29, 2009

Ring ling Stars

From left to right: Con Coheano, Edith Seigrist, Alfredo Codona and Bill Seigdist. They are some of the performers that set the benchmark for other performers. They had a God given talent that they perfected.  Just a few weeks ago I took my family to see Carson & Barne’s, the show was excellent. The show’s total  appearance is A#One and the flying act is one of the best I have ever seen.  I will be posting several of the Carson & Barnes photos that I took of the show soon. Photo taken in the early 1930’s, Ringling Bros Circus.


Clyde Beatty Cooling Down

Posted By on April 29, 2009

Beatty 1963

This picture was taken right after Clyde’s act.  The year was 1963,  just  two years before he died in 1965. Time and hard work took it’s toll on Clyde Beatty. He was a great showman and I think he would do it all over again.The last time I saw his show was when he played El Monte, CA in 1960.


Frank Phillips

Posted By on April 29, 2009

Frank Phillips

Frank Phillips shown here at Louie Goebel’s Lion farm before it became the World Jungle Compound at Thousand Oaks, California. This photo was  taken in 1948 as near as I can tell. 

Frank was also a trainer at the World Jungle compound, when Richards and Horne were partners in the compound in the 1950’s.


Clyde Beatty’s Railroad Circus

Posted By on April 29, 2009

Beatty program 1953

The circus program in 1952 boasted and promoted Beatty’s railroad circus.  I do not believe that it was as large as many of the circuses before him however his show was impressive and it was obvious that he put money into it.


The Mills Circus

Posted By on April 29, 2009

Mills Bros Circus

Does this ever bring back memories  reading the names of old friends.  Many are gone now but they left their mark.
