A Circus 4th of July

Posted By on July 3, 2009

62gilgrayfinaleThe Gil Gray circus cast celebrates our  American Liberty. This theme was used in one of their show finales. I thought it would be perfect for the 4th of July. Photo was taken in 1962.

Please read the comment made by Joanne Wilson Pinson.


The Gil Gray Circus

Posted By on July 3, 2009


                             An aerial  ballet presented by the ladies of the Gil Gray Circus.

                                                  Please read comment made by Bill Strong . 



Happy 4th of July!

Posted By on July 3, 2009

       billieburke1Billy Burke on the Gil Gray circus in the mid 1960’s.


Ivan & Shorty

Posted By on July 3, 2009


1976 at Legend City in  Tempe, AZ.  My little elephant never caused me a problem.  He would do his act perfectly every show. However, there was one thing that he hated…he would not tolerate me putting a blanket on his back. After weeks of training, patience and bribing he excepted the banner on his back….but only for a little while. I think he did it just to make me happy.


Ivan and Shorty at Legend City

Posted By on July 3, 2009


Shorty was a little bull elephant and I worried about him and the rest of my animals contracting Valley Fever. Maricopa county is noted for this fungus which lives in the upper portion of the soil and when disturbed….it becomes airborn. It causes death in many types of animals. Humans can catch this disease and in some cases it can be fatal. I lost all my chimps to Valley Fever between 1978 and 1979.  In the fall of 1979  I sent the rest of my show animals to Circus Suarze where I knew they would be much safer.


Mabel Stark and Eddie ?

Posted By on July 3, 2009

eddie-and-mableHere is an interesting photo of Mabel Stark and a gentleman which could be Eddie Trees. I do know she married Eddie later in life. I am hoping that someone will make a comment on this photo. This photo had to be taken in the late 1920’s or the early 1930’s.


The Crowels

Posted By on July 3, 2009


I never worked with these folks, but they are circus performers.  Maybe they or someone will see this photo and email me some history about them.


Circo Atayde Poster 1968

Posted By on June 28, 2009



Circo Atayde 1965

Posted By on June 28, 2009



Circo Atayde Poster 1962 and 1963

Posted By on June 28, 2009

