My pal Jerry Hopkins

Posted By on January 5, 2010

Jerry Hopkins

Jerry Hopkins ….never a nicer guy! Jerry was a comedy writer and also booked the talent for the Steve Allen show in the 1960’s. The show was probably one the funnest shows on TV. Jerry was always looking for unusual people, comics and sometimes pretty daring things for Steve to do. This is where I came in. Jerry thought it be would funny and also show off Steve’s talent by doing certain circus stunts. It became a regular, about every two weeks we came up with something he could do and knowing Steve he would turn it into laughable situation. It was an honor to work with such a fine man as Steve Allen. Thanks Jerry for all the good times. Incidentally Jerry and I are good friends to this day. We stay in touch by email and as I said before he is writer…so look for his books.  Many are biographies of famous people.


David Nelson…. a Circus Performer

Posted By on January 5, 2010


A little known fact about  David Nelson is his circus background. In the early 1960’s not only was he an actor but a well trained catcher in a flying act ….and he was a powerhouse of a catcher. Both David and his brother Ricky became accomplished aerialist’s. Ricky was a flyer and was in a circus movie shot in 1961. There teacher and trainer was none other than Del Graham of the Flying Vienna’s. Dad and I did a few shows with Del, Babs and the Nelson brothers. All on the circus that watched the act were quiet surprised just how good David and Ricky were………Read comment made by Mary Jo Knolls Winter a circus performer, It is a side line comment on Ricky Nelson.


The One and Only Albert Rix

Posted By on January 2, 2010


He was quite kind and one fine trainer. I was so honored to know and work with this man.


My Friend Albert Rix

Posted By on January 2, 2010


It was instant friendship when Alert and I first met. I guess that is the way it is with most animal men. I never saw Albert without a smile or something funny to say.  As the season went on he seemed to lose some of his humor. While in Denver, Colorado after the show, I confronted him in German……. “what’s going on with you?”  He told me that the Polar Bears were lethargic and sick. With that I took a look at two of the Polar bears and we decided to get sample of blood and etc, etc. One of the Shriner’s knew of a good vet and off we went with the blood samples. A day later we had all the medicine needed to get the bears back to health. The hard part for me was going into a shifting cage with these huge bears to administer their medicine. To this day I remember Albert holding their heads while I pored the medicine into their mouths. Side note ……99 percent of animal men and women know how to take care of their animals…..medical needs as well their proper diet and housing. I know for a fact that our animals come first.


Barnum #1

Posted By on January 2, 2010


Back in 2005  Bill Capell called me to tell me that there was a circus close by in Tempe AZ right off the freeway. So the Capells and the Henrys ….without letting any grass grow under our feet, took off to see the circus. There is no question the show was outstanding and the big top was beautiful and spotless. However for to old Kinkers….we both admitted it was not the same.  No aroma of sawdust, popcorn cooking or the wild smell of the animal’s.  Bill said out loud …”where are the butcher’s?  I want  some floss.”  Change is so very difficult for us. We were used to  working under the worst conditions…. dusty dirty lots and many with  no lights or water until the plant and water wagon got onto the lot.  Just when you thought you had enough money to make it though the winter your truck broke down and you needed new rubber or a motor overhaul.  Ah… but somehow…it was still a   wonderful life. Because when we were in the arena we knew that we had won the battle. Circus people are wonderful people. As my father said  “When it is tough for every one else …it’s just right for us.”


Barnum 2005 #2

Posted By on January 2, 2010

barnum-2005-21Photo taken by Bill Capell.


Barnum 2005 #3

Posted By on January 2, 2010

barnum-2005-2Photo taken by Bill Capell.


Fred Mintzer’s Side Show

Posted By on January 2, 2010

fred-mintzer-side-showThis indeed is a rare photo it was taken in the early 1930’s. The side show was owned by Fred Mintzer.


Mayme Capell

Posted By on January 2, 2010


              The lady behind a great family…………….. The Capell’s.


Doc Capell

Posted By on January 2, 2010


Doc Capell, as I remember him, was a true showmen and gentlmen and he loved to cut up jack pots. Mayme, his wife was very hard working woman and just as sweet as can be….that is if you didn’t get her hot at you. She indeed was a grand lady. The last time I saw her was when the office wagon truck broke down at Texas Canyon, Az. Dad and I were on our way to another spot when we reached the top of a grade,  we noticed a show truck and Mayme sitting on the running board of the truck. We pulled over and had a great reunion and spoke of old times. It wasn’t too long before the show’s mechanic got there to repair the fuel pump. We said our goodby’s and down the road we went………. that never ending circus road. 
