Capell Bros …Repairing the tent

Posted By on January 9, 2010


Pulling out the canvas getting it ready for sewing. It is not an easy job but it must be done. When the show is down, there is no money to be made.  There is one thing I know show… people are eternal optimists …. you have to be if you’re going to make it.


Pete Cortez Side Show 1955 Butte, Montana

Posted By on January 6, 2010


The Pete Cortez side show spent many seasons with the Siebrand  circus and carnival. I really never paid much attention to the show except for this one day. What I am about to write are personal thoughts. I do not know what made me walk into the side show but when I did I even surprised Pete. In the hour I spent there,  the education I received could not have been taught in any school. I entered the tent and walked down the long isles of platform stages.  I was recognized by many of the side show performers, A wave or a hello brought me closer to them for a chat. This is where my education began and what I have learned has remained with me ever since……………… Awaken your wisdom, Pursue excellence, Earn respect, Take care of mankind, Have courage, Show generosity for others. Share wisdom with the young, Thank God you are whole. I learned these things from people that were not whole in body but they were certainly whole in their souls…… 1955. C.Owen Smithers Photo, 21 West Granite st Butte, Montana. 75% of all Siebrand Bros show photos were taken by Smithers. Most likely still in business.

   Update, interesting comment from Jim O’Brien, 9/1/2016. Please reads.


Doc Capell and the Patch

Posted By on January 6, 2010


           Doc Capell and Art Lewis. Art was the fixer for the show.


Bob Capell…. Friends and Family

Posted By on January 6, 2010

Bob CapellBob Capell with friends and family. These photos were taken in the 1940’s.


Capell’s Bus

Posted By on January 6, 2010


                          This is what they used to bally the various towns and at the front of their parades.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on January 6, 2010


                                                One of my favorite posters.


Cole Bros Clyde Beatty Circus

Posted By on January 6, 2010


This African Elephant was presented on the Cole Bros Clyde Beatty circus in 1935. This photo was used in their program………The bullman here in this photo is not known me.    After closer examination, it may be Joe Metcalf in his younger days.


Tom Mix on Sells Floto Circus

Posted By on January 5, 2010

Tom Mix CircisThis photo of  Tom Mix taking it easy between shows was shot in 1931. Later he took out his own Circus.

See the comment below.

 There is another comment By Dick Smith.


Jack Badal

Posted By on January 5, 2010

Jack Badal 1957

Jack Badal feeding “Big Joe”.  Jack not only cared for Joe but many other animals at the Brookfield zoo located in Brookfield, Illinios. Photo taken in 1957….. More to come on this “one of a kind” animal man.


Sells Floto Circus

Posted By on January 5, 2010

Sells Floto Circus

This circus poster given to the circus blog by Jack Badal.
