Ringling Bros Circus Combined with Royal American Show

Posted By on January 14, 2010


This aerial photo is quiet interesting. Across from the Ringling Circus is the Royal American show….one of the largest carnivals in the US then and now.   Date of this picture Sept 15, 1952.  Joplin, Mo.


Bill Capell’s show wagons

Posted By on January 14, 2010


Bill Capell bought these old Foley and Burk show wagons. They are being loaded on this flat bed for the trip to Arizona where they were placed in Bill’s backyard. The white wagon is the show’s office and the other is a cargo wagon.


Bills Back Yard #2

Posted By on January 14, 2010


Bill had a special area built for these show wagons. A large cement slab and an open air sun roof housed the wagons…. this provided shade and protection for his memories.


Bill Capell’s Back Yard

Posted By on January 14, 2010


When you came to visit Bill…. this is where all the stories and jackpots took place. Bill had painted a ring curb in the center of the area and placed around it props and chairs. He even had a ferris wheel seat on a rack and it allowed you to rock back and forth in it if you wished. Bill took the Foley & Burk office wagon and made it his own. As you sat and talked, circus music could sometimes be heard in the background. Even though Bill no longer owned a  circus or carnival, he was still in the business of being a showman. He loved every monent of visiting with family and friends at his one ring circus.  Now the ring is empty and Bill is gone, but Iam quiet sure that he is laying out a lot somewhere in heaven.


The Capell Elephants

Posted By on January 14, 2010


Capell Bros used their big top most of the seasons. There were those times for one reason or another they showed out of doors, as in this photo with Norma Capell.  Some of the reasons why they would show outside were if they needed to repair the tent or they didn’t have time to set it up.


A Capell’s Circus Clown

Posted By on January 14, 2010

capell-clown       Capell Bros Circus clowm. One of three that were on the show. His name is unknown to me.                    


Capell’s Generator

Posted By on January 14, 2010


Capell Bros. Circus carried two generators a 25 KW and a 50KW. The generator shown in this picture was the 50KW one.


The Capell Promotion Bus

Posted By on January 14, 2010


Notice the print on the bus saying “Pre-War Prices”.  Doc is going into town to promo the show. Photo taken in the early 194o’s.


Capell Circus Stage

Posted By on January 14, 2010


There were many occasions when the circus would play on the downtown streets. Some of the special events were for non-profit organizations that would sponsor the show as a fund raiser.


Tom Mix..This says it all

Posted By on January 12, 2010

SellsFlotoandTomMix-1.jpg picture by marjwh This is a rare photo. This is a billboard advertising the  circus. Bill boards were not too common in those days and much smaller, nothing like the ones of today. This photo was taken along a country road somewhere near the town in which the circus played.  Date of photo Sept 1931.
