Arthur Bros Circus 1943

Posted By on November 15, 2010


Gray or Barnum ?

Posted By on November 15, 2010


Milwaukee,WI.  July, 1971.  Gil Gray in the gray top hat dressed up as P.T. Barnum celebrating  the 100th anniversary of the Milwaukee Parade.


Gil Gray as P. T. B.

Posted By on November 15, 2010

Tell me this man was not a showman.  Here is a P.T. Barnum look a like.


Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival 1947 Family

Posted By on November 15, 2010

The Stevens were a gypsy family on the show and had a mitt camp or palm reader, a large tent that was colorful and inviting with two or four beautiful ladies standing in front asking if you would like your fortune told. Most of the time women were their customers, but now and then there were a men that wanted their fortune told and a few other things. That’s why Mama Stevens was in the back of the tent behind a drape with a baseball bat. Once in a while you would see a man leaving the midway holding their head. St George Day was and still is a very special day in the life’s of gypsies and a great feast is had by the entire family. The celebration goes on all day and many from the show were invited. The food and barbecued lamb took many hours to prepare. The lamb could not be purchased…it had to be “acquired”.  After all was ready the lamb was adorned with gold and silver to admire and pay homage to St George.  Then it was time to eat and enjoy. An event such as this you will never forget as it is lavished with dishes and fine silverware and the tables are draped with fine linen. The festival area was surrounded by their caravans. Yes, a true Gypsy camp.  If you are ever invited to a Gypsy feast ……….GO.


Trude Luvas

Posted By on November 15, 2010



The Three Jacksons

Posted By on November 14, 2010

From left to right, Babe Jackson, Shelby Jackson and John Harroitt. Shelby presented on the Gil Gray circus this triple bar act and  trampoline. I met  Shelby and Babe on the Siebrand Bros Circus and in our spare time Shelby taught and broke me in on the bars.  I learned a great deal from this man. Anyone that knew him will tell you that they don’t come any better than Shelby Jackson.  I am proud that he was my friend.



Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival 1955

Posted By on November 14, 2010


Herriott’s Canines

Posted By on November 14, 2010



Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival 1947

Posted By on November 14, 2010



The Gil Gray Elephants

Posted By on November 14, 2010

                                    Jinny, Minny and Tilly.   A cool drink of water.

