Gil Gray Shrine Circus Kids

Posted By on February 2, 2011



 The clown in the center is Billie Burke, to his left Gene Randau, also Laurence Cross and CharlieLouis. Gil Gray can be seen in the upper left corner. The children her are from the Shrine Hospital.


Gil Gray Circus Parade

Posted By on February 2, 2011

John Harriott and Babe Jackson on one of the Gil Gary floats, mid 1960’s. Thanks Kandra for the photo.


Ivan and The Tangier Bros

Posted By on February 1, 2011

1963 and 1964 and a few weeks of 1965. I presented the Tangier Bros. and I was one of the bottom men in the act. Here is how it all started. While doing fairs with the chimp act I met a fellow by the name of Mouly Ahmed who was one of eight Moroccan tumblers called the “Son’s of Morocco.” We became friends and after a month or so he told me that their manager was going to send them back to Morocco. We had a meeting with all eight of the troupe and learned that in order to stay in this country they would need a valid contract from an American that would take the responsibility for work. My father said that work should be no problem  and Dad put the word out and within two weeks he had them booked for  more than a year. We called the troupe “The Tangier Bros”. After many months the guys got on their feet and paid my father back a money loan and then went on their own.  I heard later that some of them went back home to Morocco….. Thanks Darryl for your comment. 


Tangier Bros 3 High

Posted By on February 1, 2011

This 3 high was a little harder as the second man is Suari Adelazize weighing in around 210 lbs.  Every day with constant practice and it was hard work. Once I would get the balance they would start to bounce and make abupt moves causing me to fight for the balance and hold fast which was part of the learning process.


Tangier Bros 3 High

Posted By on February 1, 2011


 Practice and more practice building up my legs and balance.  The top mounter is Mouley Ahmed on my shoulders is Mohamed Ben Mohamed.


Tangier Bros Tefluits

Posted By on February 1, 2011

The Guys in the troupe were Mouley, Merchanie, Owcini, Laroussie, Mohamed, Suraie and myself.  We did eight to ten other pyramids plus tumbling.



Ivan and the Tefluits

Posted By on February 1, 2011

After weeks of building up legs and shoulders I became a bottom man. This trick is called a Tefluits.


Hollywood Comedy Club

Posted By on February 1, 2011

Clifford Henry on the left, second in on right Morry Malcolm my agent and friend for the motion  picture business. Forth in on right is myself.  I wish I could remember the names of the rest of the group but I can tell you that they were old time comedians of the stage and screen. We were the only animal act in the club, that was only because of our doing comedy with the chimps.


Ivan and Bongie

Posted By on January 31, 2011

This picture says it all…..I loved my chimps.  Bongie was more than just a trained chimp, he was my friend and he never let me down…… always did a perfect act.  Any one that saw the chimp act will tell you Bongie was a great chimp. Back yard after practice.   Siebrand Bros Circus 1955.


Say Hello Bongie

Posted By on January 31, 2011


                                                     Fair grounds Tucson, AZ. 1959.
