Gino & Mary Ann

Posted By on August 7, 2011

Thank you Kandra for informative comment. I got another comment from Amy Bogino Thanks.


Ivan and Wallace

Posted By on August 7, 2011



My dear friend Bill “Wallace” Thompson of  Wallace and Ladmoe.

In November of 2010, I helped produce a show for the City of Phoenix, AZ.  Wallace is known by all in Arizona for his children’s TV show “Wallace and Ladmoe” on KPHO Ch 5, which ran for many decades in Phoenix. Bill came out of retirement for just a few hours to make the show a grand success. All he had to do was walk onto the stage and the crowd went into cheers and applause, evidence of their love for this wonderful man. The highlight of the event was when he gave Vice Mayor Michael Nowakowski a Ladmoe bag. Wallace is in his 80’s and still doing well.

I first met Wallace Ladmoe and Gerald back in 1976 when we opened Legend City Amusement Park.  They were featured there every Sunday afternoon and they were our top  attraction. It is said that Wallace and Ladmoe had the best kid show in the USA.  THANK YOU Bill “Wallace” Thompson.


Ray & Yolanda

Posted By on August 7, 2011

Siebrand Bros Circus 1955


The Zamperlas

Posted By on August 7, 2011


Tiger Attack

Posted By on August 7, 2011

This photo is very rare. What you see here is a DUMB STUNT that started out as a good idea.

During a show, two trainers in London, England, believed their Tiger was tame enough to be handled by a young child, So, Hugh Boyle was enlisted to play with the cat. As the photo shows, it was not a good idea. It almost cost Hugh his life.

Just got a comment 6-1-2015. from Barry McDonnell. Please read.


Reberte Trio

Posted By on August 7, 2011


Tommy’s Dog Act – 1950’s

Posted By on August 7, 2011

The dogs in Tommy Bentley’s Poodle act were regular fashion plates!


The Haslevs Trio

Posted By on August 7, 2011

This is very interesting. They created a trampoline casting act. You have to hand it to these circus performers for putting together two different acts and making it work.


Bob Carol

Posted By on August 7, 2011

Bob was one of the best. The versatility of his act in his different voices and dummies was truly unbelievable. He had just about every character you could think of. On the Christmas shows he would use all of his animal characters. The kids loved him…………Sadly no more.


R.B.B.& B ….1934

Posted By on August 1, 2011

This old program cover is sadly tattered and torn. I am going to start vacuum packing mine with heavy plastic folders  to save them as long as I can. There is a company that preserves old documents but they are very expensive and for the amount of photos and other items that I have it would cost a fortune.
