Dad and Son

Posted By on August 17, 2011

Clyde Beatty and his son Clyde Jr. This photo was taken by Tim Hendricks in 1953.


Con Colleano

Posted By on August 12, 2011

Con Colleano was known for his forward somersault on the tight wire. This was considered even more difficult than a backward somersault simply because his eyes could not be focused on the wire during his landing. Ringling Bros, Barnum & Bailey, 1944.


Comedy Rollie Pollie

Posted By on August 12, 2011

About a thousand or more posts back I posted an news article on this performer, He was on the Siebrand Circus also in the early 1950’s. His name escapes me at this time, sorry, but perhaps someone will recognize him. This photo is from the Dorothy Carson collection.


The Sphere of Death

Posted By on August 12, 2011

Recently, on the television show America’s Got Talent, where performers of all kinds vie for a $1 million prize and the chance to perform in Las Vegas, there was an act similar to this one, consisting of a mother, father and two kids. They did an extremely good act, but alas, they were not voted into the finals. I’m quite sure they will have no problem finding work, however.


Two Great Guys

Posted By on August 12, 2011

I just ran across their publicity picture and humorous memories welled up. They were two Cuban performers who got out of Cuba just in the nick of time. Castro was beginning his revolution against President Batista. Both spoke of loving their country but as they said they feared for their lives. It was very apparent to them that their Cuba would never be the same……… Kinda like what is occurring now in a certain country…(Excuse me, I’m heading for a rant here. I’m sure you know what I mean!)

I have often wondered where these two fellows got off to. They had a great act and all who met them liked them immensely. They were always cracking jokes and never seen without a smile on their faces.



Posted By on August 12, 2011

Serenado, the one and only Musical Wonder Horse. I never saw the act so I just wrote what is on the back of this photo.  So please understand, I am not horsing you around.


The Perfect Action Photo

Posted By on August 12, 2011


This is one terrific photo. The action and expression  caught here in this picture is one in a million. This a casting act.  Both the fly bar and catch bar are seen here. The performer is doing a single somersault. This photo was taken about 1958 on the Siebrand Bros Circus.


Teeterboard Act

Posted By on August 12, 2011

I believe this teeterboard act was with Bentley Bros in the early 1980’s


Charlotte Henry

Posted By on August 12, 2011

My oldest sister Charlotte in 1960 took over the act from my mother. Basically, my mother gave her the act to break her into the business. She and my mother worked the dogs together for a while with the intention that Charlotte  would eventually take over the whole act. Instead, after a season, she was totally disenchanted and decided she didn’t want to perform.


Toni Madison

Posted By on August 12, 2011

In 1956, we spent a half season with Siebrand Circus because my dad had booked other dates in the Fall.  My mother’s real name was Mary Henry. Toni Madison was her stage name. She used that name because all the the other Henry’s had dog acts and this stopped the confusion with the agents. When they called for Winter Christmas dates, they would call the Henry Compound and now they asked specifically for Toni’s Wonder Dogs.
