Clyde Beatty 1933

Posted By on August 18, 2011


Clyde Beatty, 1933, Peru, Indiana.  Winter Quarters for the American Circus Corp. I just noticed something. Clyde dressed circus even when he wasn’t in the arena…………I like that!


John Robinson Circus

Posted By on August 17, 2011

Photo taken in Marion, Indiana in 1923. On top of the elephant is John Robinson. On the far left is “Cheerful” Gardener, Superintendent of Elephants.  The next person’s name is unknown to me. Next to him is Gardener Wilson,  Press Agent, George Ryan, William Kellogg, E. Reynolds, Danny Odem, Manager, and Charles Berry, Equestrian Director. The next person is unknown to me, and on the far right is Mr Webb. These are the names on the back of this rare photo.


The Freddis

Posted By on August 17, 2011

On the back of this photo is written, Teeterboard-Trampoline combination; a double twisting somersault from the teeterboard to trampoline then to the shoulders of the understander.


An All American Dog Act

Posted By on August 17, 2011

This is Tony Stirling and his dogs.


The Circus Cowboy

Posted By on August 17, 2011

There was not a venue that this man and his wife Bernice did not work, from the circus to movies and everything in between. He most likely was the best in what he did.


The Boginos

Posted By on August 17, 2011

The Bogino Family.  I think just about everybody knew this family.


The Royal Rockets

Posted By on August 17, 2011

Dorothy Carson Smith and Paul her husband just finishing one of their tricks. Dorothy is in her late eighties and as sharp as a tack. Many of the photos that I have posted come from her collection.  This particular photo was shot in 1954.


The Royal Rocketes

Posted By on August 17, 2011

Barely seen here in this photo are the Royal Rockets, Dorothy and Paul, her husband. John Carson Jr is in the background. They are performing a high speed spin. Dorothy’s feet are held behind Paul’s neck as she out swings head first. The Carsons were on the Siebrand Circus for several seasons. This photo taken in the mid 1950’s.


Circus Dogs

Posted By on August 17, 2011

This photo is from the early 1950’s. The name of the act is unknown to me.

I never realized just how many circus performers there are, let alone theatrical and variety artists. My circus blog has opened me up to a world of performers  I never knew or met. I always thought we were a small group and somewhat insignificant.  I’ve since discovered this is quite the contrary. Entertainers, no matter what field of show business they may be in, cover an extremely broad spectrum and are very relevant.

Stop and think a minute, as I have done. Without us, the world would be a very dreadful place. I think on one of the six days that God was creating His world He said, “This is boring. I think I’ll create an entertainer.”


Cycling Acrobats

Posted By on August 17, 2011

These performers’ names are unknown to me.
