Native American Band

Posted By on August 24, 2011

This Native American band would offer themselves to play and march on the midway of the Siebrand show. I believe this photo was taken in Tucson, AZ in 1950.



Posted By on August 24, 2011

I believe these are the Ericksons. Siebrand Bros Circus early 1950’s.


Allen’s Bears

Posted By on August 18, 2011

Charley Allen was old circus through and through. He, his wife, Mert, and their daughter, Kay, had a fine act and they were a great family.

Remember the TV series Gentle Ben in the mid 1960’s?  One of Charley’s bears was Ben. At the time of this photo, the Allens were in Ohio. Later they moved to California to a small town called Pixley, about 35 miles north of Bakersfield. Their home was close to the freeway I-10, close enough that when you were passing by going north, the horn blowing and waving would start – of course, this was only if there was no time to stop and visit.

You are right Casey her name was Beverly but I think her nick name was Mert?……….. Thanks for your comment.


Jack & Chet

Posted By on August 18, 2011

This photo of Jack Badal on the left and Chet Jusyck was taken in the early 1960’s.

Jack is seen here trying to sell a whip that he just made. By the look on Chet’s face……….. he liked it instantly! 

Jack Badal makes custom bull hooks. The cost is fifty dollars plus five dollars for shipping. If you are interested, give Jack a call at
714 879-8701….I spoke with Jack today 8-18-11. and I am going to order one of his bull hooks , for a souvenir.


Three Great Trainers

Posted By on August 18, 2011

Ringling Bros, Barnum & Bailey featured these three trainers with their acts simultaneously. Left to right, Konse Lman Polar Bears, Roman Oroske Tigers, and Damu Dhrote Mixed Cats  and Leopards. I believe this three ring display started in 1940.


The Duttons

Posted By on August 18, 2011

The Duttons had a comedy riding act.


The Sons Of Morocco

Posted By on August 18, 2011

There were many of these type acts brought over from Morocco. The Moroccan kids do pyramid building and tumbling as a pastime on the beaches of Morocco, making a little money from the tourists, as well.

I believe it was Slamen Alli who got the idea to make an act out of this unique talent and present them to the American public as performers. Bear in mind,  Moroccan tumbling has been something of a tradition for way over a hundred years.

The Sons of Morocco were not the first troupe brought over. They came in the very late 1950’s. There was another troupe by the name of Hassani and they had a young lady who performed with them. If my memory serves me correctly, her name was  Fatima.

A comment by Shafflk.


The Sons Of Morocco

Posted By on August 18, 2011

The Sons of Morocco were playing a fair that we were booked on with the chimp act. I made friends with one of the members of the troupe, Moulay Ahmed, the top mounter. After a few weeks of playing fairs, I became friends with all of the troupe and was privy to a problem that was becoming very serious.

Their visa was up and they were going to be deported. The troupe came to Dad and me to see if there was any thing we could do to help them stay in the country. To make a long story short, Dad put together a contract that made us responsible for them, and promising they would not be a burden on the country.

That, of course, meant finding work for them, which was easy. Within a few weeks, the season was booked, and they went on to perform under their new name, The Tangier Brothers.


The Davisons

Posted By on August 18, 2011


Lipko Comedy Chimps

Posted By on August 18, 2011

I never met a chimp act I didn’t like. NO exception. I had a great time with my gang and they never let me down; show after show throughout the years. Yes, they are natural born comedians.
