Circus act #2

Posted By on October 2, 2011

I am somewhat confused by the two different types of wardrobe. Is this the same act as photo #1? This photo also came from the Tommy Bentley collection.


The Luva #1

Posted By on October 2, 2011


The Luvas #2

Posted By on October 2, 2011


The Luvas #3

Posted By on October 2, 2011


The Luvas #4

Posted By on October 2, 2011


A Graceful Lady

Posted By on September 18, 2011

This old photo is tattered and torn  but it still shows this graceful lady upon her horse, most likely ready to go into the arena and dance ever so lightly in time with the lopping of her  horse. I do not know the name of the circus or even her name…………… I am just happy that I found her among the other old photos.


Clyde Beatty Program #1

Posted By on September 18, 2011


This is the cover of the 1956 circus program. This is the same year that Duncan Renaldo,”The Cisco Kid”was featured on the show. After a few weeks he left the show in El Paso,Texas. At the bottom right of this program you can see a black out space. This is where  Duncan Renaldo’s name had been.  On the original cover I can barely see his name though the black ink. Most likely the show had hundreds of these programs and did not want to go into a reprint. So they did the easiest thing and saved money.


” The Cisco Kid”

Posted By on September 18, 2011

Duncan Renaldo ” The Cisco Kid”, Starred as a Mexican Vaccaro or cowboy in western movies and later he had a TV series in the mid 1950’s. His character was typical of those days ….he portrayed the good guy. He and his sidekick “Pancho”, Leo Carrillo were always helping people in trouble and catching the bad guys. There was a positive attitude in the shows of those days and they set a good example for the young kids.

Duncan did a lot of personal appearances and in 1956 he was a special guest star on the Clyde Beatty circus. After a few weeks into the season because of business being very poor they had to let him go. The Beatty show even closed earlier that year. I believe Ringling had problems that year and closed early that year as well.

The photo above is an actual hand out that was given to those who came to the Clyde Beatty show.


“Hey Pancho”

Posted By on September 18, 2011


Leo Carrillo was the sidekick of the “Cisco Kid”who was Duncan Renaldo. Leo had been an actor for many years before he became “Pancho”. As a matter of fact he was in his very late sixties when he took the character part. His career started all over again as “Pancho”.  Actually he had more notoriety playing this part than much of the other acting he had done in years past. I have to tell you Cisco and Pancho were one of my favorite TV shows in the 1950’s. I do not believe that he ever appeared with Cisco on the Beatty circus but had done so in other appearances……….. I will always remember this line…..”Ok Cisco lets went.”


Beatty & O’Brian

Posted By on September 18, 2011

An off camera shot of Clyde Beatty and Pat O’Brian looking over what is supposed to be a script. The photo was taken in 1954 on the Warner Bros studio back lot during the making of the movie “Ring of Fear”starring both Beatty and O’Brian. Screen writer Mickey Spillane wrote the following story line….” A homicide killer escapes from an institution and joins the circus where he causes havoc”…… Sort of sounds familiar?………. Clyde’s friendship with Pat began in 1933 during the filming of the”Big Cage”. This movie was the first of six that Clyde Beatty starred in. “Lost Jungle” 1934 Mascot Productions,”Darkest Africa”1936 Republic Studio,”Africa Screams” 1948 with Abbott & Costello ,”Perils of the Jungle”1953 Loppert Studio and “Ring of Fear” 1954 Warner Bros.
