Tex Orton #1

Posted By on February 6, 2012

It has been over 65 years since I have seen the Ortons. This photo brought back old memories. This photo was taken in the early 1950’s and at that time the Ortons were working fairs and the Tom Pack Circus, I understand. Tex and his family were on the 101 Ranch Wild West Circus in 1945 and part of 1946. Even as a kid I realized just how good his act was. His skill with whips, ropes. throwing knifes, as well as a rifle marksmen may have made him the best in his time. His wife worked in the act as well as his son and his mother  but their names fail me.  If you go to categories under 101 Ranch, you will fine numerous photos of the 101. It was a complete show filled with circus and western acts, each in their own right top entertainment. The old 101 back in the early 1900’s presented historical events. In the new version of 1945 it leaned a little more circus but kept that old west flavor. It was a good show and I have often wondered why it only lasted two seasons.


Tex Orton #2

Posted By on February 6, 2012

Tex was a true cowboy but if he had to he, he could be sophisticated. When the 101 show closed he did a few rodeos then went into fair grandstand shows as well as circuses. Maybe someone will have a little more information on this fine entertainer and his family.


The Parroff Trio #1

Posted By on February 6, 2012


The Parroff Trio #2

Posted By on February 6, 2012

             This photo I believe was taken in 1948 and could have been on the

Tom Pack Circus.


Patrisia Parroff #1

Posted By on February 6, 2012

   Cole Bros Fire truck, 1949. I don’t think Patrisia is getting ready to put out a fire.


Patrisia Parroff #2

Posted By on February 6, 2012

I believe this photo is the Cole Bros Circus 1949.


Brandy Enterprises

Posted By on January 31, 2012

Here is a show that combined stage and circus arena together. During  their time their main source of work was fairs. The back drop was pipe and canvas drape, an easy up and down and very theatrical looking. These types of show were very popular in the 1940’s and 50’s. On the left side of ring curb is John Carson Sr, who clowned on the show and on stage are his family the Carson’s Royal Rockets skating act. In the early 1950’s my family and I performed with a similar kind of show as this one, called The Clarence Smith Review.


Comedy Teams Of The 30’s 40’s & 50’s

Posted By on January 31, 2012

topDiamond & Baker were one of the top Comedy teams of years gone by. They combined hand balancing and comedy as did many others teams but each one had it’s own identity in humor and style. This type of comedy entertainment has unfortunately almost disappeared.


Siebrand Bros Circus 1954

Posted By on January 31, 2012

The Siebrand family may have been the first to combine a realistic circus to the back end of a carnival midway, sometime in the very early 1930’s. Here in this photo is Harry Clark and his horse, Long Journey. The circus started out with 3 rings and center poles for aerial rigging, there was no big top. Later a small stage was built for the ground acts so they could be seen better from the midway. In 1947  my father built a much lager stage for the Siebrands, 30 by 40. The larger stage provided more area to in. As a result of the larger stage, Pete Siebrand later hired bigger acts, but it never lost it’s spirit of the circus. As you navigate though the circus blog you will see many more photos of the Siebrand circus.


Grorge Wong Troupe

Posted By on January 31, 2012


The Wongs on the Tom Pack Circus 1948. Photo from the Carson collection
