Miller Bros 101 #9

Posted By on May 24, 2012

This is one of their ticket wagons. They owned 3 that I know of.  Jimmy Woods bought one of the ticket wagon and used it on the new version of the 101 in 1945. There is a photo of it in categories, under 101 Wild West Show & Circus.


Miller Bros 101 #10

Posted By on May 24, 2012

Another bad negative but I just could not throw it away. No matter how bad it still is old circus history….Just like me….. This tableau is called The Miller Britain also John Bull.


Miller Bros 101 #11

Posted By on May 24, 2012

This is one of the cargo wagons. It was never used as a parade wagon, however from the train to the lot it was still seen and enjoyed. Most of the cargo wagons just had their name and a number. The number on the wagon would make it easier to be located on the lot for unloading.


Miller Bros 101 #12

Posted By on May 24, 2012

Another cargo wagon being pulled by oxen where it would be unloaded and spotted in the backyard. Most likely the oxen were also used in the show in one of the western reenactments. In those days everyone doubled in brass. Year 1927.


Miller Bros 101 #13

Posted By on May 24, 2012

This is the buffalo tableau. If you look closely the pictorial on the side of the wagon, is a herd of buffalo. Also notice the two carved buffalo heads left and right.


Miller Bros 101 #14

Posted By on May 24, 2012

Four wagons per flat car. The covered wagons in white canvas are tableaus used to protect the carving and the art work from the elements while traveling.


Miller Bros 101 #15

Posted By on May 22, 2012

The unloading of the show wagons. To the two kids on the left it was all part of the show and this part was FREE.


Miller Bros 101 #16

Posted By on May 22, 2012

One of the show coaches. It may have been used by the Miller brothers or the performers.


Miller Bros 101 #17

Posted By on May 22, 2012

101 ranch elephants 1927 or 1930. I never knew them to have a herd this large.  Here is the negative envelope of this photo, both are around 70 years old. As you can see there is not much information to go by. I should have written that there was a question in my mind about this photo upon posting it. On the stock cars it looks like circus may be written. The only time the name circus was combined with 101 Wild West Show was in 1945. The 101 in 1945 was totally different than Miller Bros 101. Photos of 101Wild West Show & Circus can be seen in categories, just click on name.


Miller Bros 101 #18

Posted By on May 22, 2012

I don’t know what wagon 47 is. It may be the cook house or tack and wardrobe or maybe the pay office……I think I will go with cook house ( only because that was my favorite place!)
