Chucko Jr.

Posted By on June 22, 2012



Thanks Randy for the nice words.


Pa Pa Escalante’s Circus Band

Posted By on June 22, 2012

I saw this picture with a story in the circus report. It was important to me to have this photo in the circus blog. The reason is that I never saw it before and I wanted others who follow the circus blog to see it. There is another reason: because of the fond relationship between the Henry Family and the Escalante Family.

I called Milonga Escalante Cline and asked her if she would send a copy to me. I can’t tell you how much Milonga means to me and so many others. Many years ago Milonga and her late husband Johnny and my family worked numerous shows together. The relationship goes back further, to the Escalante Circus in the early 1940’s. My parents were on the show and this is where I learned to speak Spanish fluently. I spoke with Milonga today and asked if she would send me a photo of her mother and father, along with any Escalante Circus photos while in Mexico.  She said, “As soon as I can find them.”

A great comment by Janice Trevino.


Jungleland Lions

Posted By on June 22, 2012

The feed and clean-out door should have been closed. Maybe this picture was taken during the cleaning. Even though these lions were on exhibition as seen here, they all performed on the main stage. 

Thanks for your comment Randy.

Steve Fleet has made a comment about Jungleland.

Thanks Janice for your comment.


Mabel At Jungleland

Posted By on June 22, 2012

This grand lady was one of a kind. Always in her spotless whites and always held the audience in awe with her dignified manner in the way that she presented her tigers.

Please read comment.

Another fine comment by Janice Trevino.


A Packed House At Jungleland

Posted By on June 22, 2012

This photo was taken in 1963. I do not recall the act. It looks like a goat walking an incline rope?

Thank you Randy for your comment….. It is a goat.

More comments from Janice Trevino.


George Perkins

Posted By on June 22, 2012

I had to re-post this picture of George Perkins again in memory of him. George personified what a circus clown is. But not only that, he was a fine human being.


Believe It Or Not

Posted By on June 22, 2012

Someone sent me this article a few days ago. I hope it is just a gag.


Mabel, Terrell & Bert

Posted By on June 22, 2012

I posted a photo of these three “GREATS” some time ago but it was not in color. This photo was taken on the Al G. Barnes Circus in 1936.


Mabel, Terrell & Bert

Posted By on June 22, 2012

This is the reverse side of the color photo. Thanks to Billie Richards’ nephew, Jerry Osborne, I have this wonderful piece of history.


Diving Horse

Posted By on June 22, 2012

The diving horse at the Steel Pier had to be a exciting thing to see but if I you happen to look away for a moment it was over. I never saw this act in person. I sure would have liked to. Does anyone know the name of the lady that dove with the horse, or for that matter any history on the act?
