Cargo Wagon # 88

Posted By on August 17, 2012

At this time wagon 88 was on the cole shoe 1941.……S.T. Flint photo


Cargo Wagon # 88

Posted By on August 17, 2012

Photo taken 1938.……… S.T. Flint photo.

                                        I was just emailed that this is wagon 87 not 88.

                                                                      See comment.        


Cargo Wagon # 88

Posted By on August 17, 2012

This is cargo wagon  #88, photo taken on the Barnes circus 1938. Its use then was canvas wagon.……….  S.T. Flint photo.


Cole Bros ? #1

Posted By on August 15, 2012

I have very little information on this magnificent tableau, just what you see. If you look closely you can see that this wagon is concave in the center.

At the time that this photo was taken Cole Bros did not own the Asia tableau. As you see in the center top of the wagon Block & Kuhl Co. Block & Kuhl was a department store and bought Asia and the America tableau’s in1946? or there about. The Asia tableau was built by the Sebastian Wagon Co. 1902 or 1903. Asia now takes it’s rightful place at Circus World Museum………………My good friend Bob Cline supplied this information. Thank you Bob.


Cole Bros #2

Posted By on August 15, 2012

Cole Bros 1936 cargo wagon. The date here is wrong. The photo was taken in 1942.

Please read the comment by Stephen T. Flint.


Cole Bros #3

Posted By on August 15, 2012

Cole Bros 1936, photo may have been shot at their winter quarters. Notice the middle of the wagon is counter sunk for the salt water tank needed for the seals.


Cole Bros #4

Posted By on August 15, 2012

Cole Bros loaded flat cars 1936. In this photo I do not know if they are coming or going.


Cole Bros #5

Posted By on August 15, 2012

Curly Shaffer positions himself proudly on one of the elephants that he handles. Cole Bros Winter quarters.

There is a question by Jackie Knupp if this is Curly Shaffer. Need some help here.


Cole Bros #6

Posted By on August 15, 2012

Alonzo Dever on the trunk 1936.


Cole Bros #7

Posted By on August 15, 2012

Alonzo Dever stands on the right side of the elephant line up. 1936. I believe Alonzo was head of the bull dept at this time.
