Siebrand Bros Circus

| April 16, 2009

The Siebrands promoted their circus  heavily as they knew that it brought people to the carnival midway.  But there was another reason ….the Siebrands enjoyed watching the circus as much as the people that visited the midway.


Siebrand Carnival Equipment

| April 16, 2009

Top left: front gate semi. Left center: Caterpillar ride tubs. Bottom left: show fence semi. Top right: Bumper car semi trailers. Right center: Electric generators Cat 250 KW …. there were six on the show, each 250 KW. Bottom right:  Octopus ride loaded…………These 20 photos were supplied by Tammy Ree, a grand niece of the Siebrand Family……There are other Siebrand photos […]


Shelby Jackson

| March 31, 2009

I want to thank Bill Strong for sending me this picture. This man is someone that every young man should know.  Back in the late 1950’s, Shelby and Babe, his wife were on Siebrand Bros Circus with us. He and Babe  did a horizontal bar act. Shelby did “fly overs”  like you have never seen….as […]


HI FI the Clown

| February 25, 2009

  Bob Emrico was a good friend and a nice guy. Bob never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was on Siebrand Bros circus for many years. If you didn’t see Bob in the back yard of the circus you could bet he was off  fishing.  He loved his fishing and you also could find […]


Dad And Trina DuVal

| January 13, 2009

     Dad and Trina at the Grand Canyon. This  photo was taken in the mid 50’s.


The Royal Rockets

| January 2, 2009

The Royal Rockets were noted for having the finest roller skating acrobatic act in the business. We worked with them in the mid 50’s on Siebrand Bros. Circus. John Carson was the lead skater in the act. His sister and her husband were part of the trio. They settled in Phoenix, AZ and John joined the […]


Royal Rockets Trio

| January 2, 2009

Click on above picture to read.


Royal Rocket’s Story

| January 2, 2009

Click on above picture to read their story.


Clown…Rollie Pollie

| December 21, 2008

Siebrand Bros, early 1950’s.  Unknown name of this circus performer.


Sway Pole Aerial Act

| December 21, 2008

Siebrand Bros. Circus 1950’s. Help me name this aerial performer.
